Lawyer for crimes against property

Crimes against property are the most common category of criminal offenses committed on the territory of Ukraine. Every month, law enforcement agencies open thousands of criminal proceedings on charges of theft, robbery and fraud.

Obviously, every suspect and accused in this category of cases needs qualified protection.

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Lawyer in cases of theft, robbery and fraud

Why should you seek help from a property crime attorney?

Accusations create enormous psychological pressure on an unprepared person. In such a situation, there is a high probability of making mistakes, giving dubious testimony, which can later be considered as evidence of guilt.

The investigator and prosecutor may not take into account important aspects of the case, neglect mitigating circumstances that directly affect the type and amount of punishment. To prevent this, it is necessary to enlist the help of a lawyer who will monitor the case from a procedural point of view.

If you or your loved ones have become suspected or accused of crimes against property, do not delay - urgently seek help from a lawyer.

The cost of a lawyer's services for crimes against property

The amount of a lawyer's fee is quite complex and, as a rule, is set individually for each specific case. This is due to a number of factors, including but not limited to:

  • The complexity of the matter. The more complicated the case, the more effort and time the lawyer needs to spend on making a decision.
  • Collection of evidence. It depends on how easy or difficult the process of obtaining them is.
  • Time frames. If the case requires immediate intervention or a short-term solution, this may also affect the amount of the fee.
  • Location. The amount of the fee may vary depending on the region where the case is conducted. This is directly related to the lawyer's travel and accommodation expenses.
  • Experience as a lawyer. ЕThe expertise of a lawyer significantly increases the chances of a successful resolution of the case.

Therefore, the amount of the lawyer's fee is quite flexible and individual in each specific case and is usually discussed during the first consultation with the client.

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