Advices from attorney


What you need to know if you are being searched?

Anyone can be searched at any time. You do not need to be a suspect to do so. You will not even know that criminal proceedings have been opened against you or other persons or that investigative actions are planned. Unfortunately, most people do not know the main points of such a procedural action as a search, which leads to a violation of their legitimate rights and interests.

What to do after a road accident? Advice for participants, witnesses and victims

A road traffic accident is always a huge stress for the participants and witnesses, even if no one was killed or suffered significant injuries or material damage. Therefore, it is worth remembering what witnesses, victims and participants should do in the event of an accident. With this information, you will know how to act in a critical situation.

What is the difference between a SIZO and an ITT?

As shown by Google search statistics, users frequently search for information about what a pre-trial detention centre (SIZO) and a temporary detention facility (ITT) are, the differences between them, their internal rules, and what items can be sent to detainees. Typically, this information is sought by individuals who are likely to face criminal charges, detainees, suspects, or their close relatives and friends. Given that the legislation on this issue is quite extensive, we will try to briefly structure the information in this article.

The most notable cases against Ukraine in the ECHR

Based on statistical data from the last decade, Ukraine is among the top three countries in terms of the number of applications to the European Court of Human Rights. Only citizens of Turkey and the aggressor country filed more complaints than Ukrainians. The ECHR most frequently finds Ukraine in violation of the right to liberty and security, the right to an effective remedy, the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment, issues related to the length of judicial proceedings, and the right to a fair trial.
підозрюваний та обвинувачений

Suspect and accused: their rights and obligations

The status of a suspect or accused in a criminal case is a critical situation for almost any unprepared person, as it is quite easy to lose self-control and make a lot of irreparable mistakes. Most often, this affects those who did not commit a crime, trying desperately to prove their innocence, despite the fact that the Constitution of Ukraine guarantees the presumption of innocence to everyone suspected of committing a crime.

Search and inspection. What is the difference?

On the one hand, a search is a fairly effective and efficient way to obtain evidence of a criminal offence. On the other hand, a search restricts the right to inviolability of the home guaranteed by the Constitution of Ukraine. Along with the search, there is another way to obtain evidence - inspection. It should be noted that these investigative actions are quite similar in nature, but have significant differences in the grounds and procedure for their conduct.

Responsibility for storage, use and distribution of drugs

Drug addiction is an extremely acute problem in Ukrainian society, causing illnesses, deaths, and broken lives. Many people commit crimes for the sake of a desired "dose." Therefore, the attitude towards those accused of manufacturing or distributing drugs in society is traditionally sharply negative. The Ukrainian judiciary is also very strict: most articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine provide for actual imprisonment for crimes related to drug trafficking.

Precautionary measures: types and grounds for their application

During criminal proceedings, various types of preventive measures may be applied. Their purpose is to ensure that the suspect/accused fulfils the procedural obligations imposed on them and to prevent attempts to: evade investigation or court; destroy evidence critical to establishing the circumstances of the criminal offence; illegally influence the victim, witness, another suspect, accused, or expert; commit another crime or continue the one in which the person is suspected or accused.
тілесні ушкодження

Personal injuries and liability for their infliction

One of the most common types of criminal offences is infliction of bodily harm. In conflict situations and self-defence attempts, there is a risk of harming other people. Almost anyone can get into such trouble, even those who never show aggression towards others. What do you need to know if you are charged with inflicting bodily harm?

Online scam: what is it, what are the consequences and how to protect yourself?

Every day, many Ukrainians become victims of online scam, and the activity of criminals is constantly growing. In this article, we'll look at what types of online scam exist, how to avoid becoming a victim of such schemes, and what to do if criminals have lured your money. We will also tell you what threatens those who dare to make money from online scam.

Lawyer’s request as a tool for obtaining evidence

In today's legal environment, where access to information can be crucial for the successful implementation of citizens' rights and interests, the lawyer's request becomes a necessary and indispensable tool in the hands of a lawyer. It allows obtaining important information and documents, thus playing a critically important role in ensuring justice and the effective legal protection of clients.

Lawyer’s fee

Sooner or later, the moment comes when a client chooses a lawyer who meets all their criteria (reputation, recommendations from acquaintances, a list of successful cases, inner conviction). Perhaps one of the main concerns for all clients when signing a contract is the cost of the lawyer's services (fees) and the payment options available.

European Court of Human Rights: how to get protection?

Human and civil rights and freedoms are declared as one of the fundamental values in the system of national and international law. The European Court of Human Rights was established to protect human rights. Citizens of Ukraine can also apply to this institution. In what cases can this be done? How can you get protection in the ECHR? All of this will be discussed in detail in this article.

Embezzlement of funds and property: types and liability

Embezzlement, misappropriation of property, or misappropriation through abuse of office are classified as property crimes and represent some of the most pressing issues characteristic of the legal environment in our country. This is evidenced by the excessive number of criminal cases of this category being investigated by law enforcement agencies.

Called in for questioning? Don’t panic!

In light of recent events, being summoned for questioning has become increasingly common. It might seem that if a person is not involved in any illegal activities, they can confidently attend the interrogation and tell the investigator or detective everything they are interested in. However, things are not so straightforward. As strange as it may sound, law enforcement officers are increasingly pursuing their own personal interests in each specific case, with the pursuit of truth and the actual resolution of the case often taking a back seat.
повідомлення про підозру

Appeal against a notice of suspicion

A notice of suspicion may be appealed by the suspect, his or her defence counsel or legal representative by filing a relevant motion with the investigating judge after 1 month from the date of notification of suspicion of a criminal offence or 2 months from the date of notification of suspicion of a crime, but not later than the prosecutor closes the criminal proceedings or files an indictment with the court.
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Agreement with the investigation: legal trap or compromise?

Why do we need a plea agreement with the investigation? Its purpose is to simplify and speed up the criminal proceedings. Therefore, it is clear that it cannot be concluded with an innocent person, by default. The same applies when there is every reason to release a person from criminal liability or when there are grounds to drop the charges, which is extremely rare.

Accusations of corruption: what to do and how to defend yourself?

Corruption is one of the most significant problems in Ukrainian society. However, accusations of corruption are not always objective. An innocent person who has not received improper benefits, abused their official position, or enriched themselves through illegal methods can also come under pressure from law enforcement agencies.